

In light of September 11th, please read the following quotes about the events that took place 12 years ago. In your response be sure to include:
1. an analysis of the quotes (what do they mean?)
2. what they mean to you
3. how they relate to the theme of our unit, "What Do You Stand For?"
4. Include your first name ONLY!

--Ms. Brummer

“The attacks of September 11th were intended to break our spirit. Instead we have emerged stronger and more unified. We feel renewed devotion to the principles of political, economic, and religious freedom, the rule of law and respect for human life. We are more determined than ever to live our lives in freedom." 
- Rudolph Giuliani, former mayor of New York City

"Our enemies have made the mistake that America’s enemies always make. They saw liberty and thought they saw weakness. And now, they see defeat."
- George W. Bush, former President of the United States

9/10/2013 10:48:33 pm

The quotes mean that even though many lives were taken, America emerged more unified than ever. To me they mean that you cannot destroy democracy. They have to do with our unit because we stand for liberty and freedom.

9/10/2013 10:51:05 pm

These quotes mean that while the terrorists were trying to break the American spirit we just came back even stronger and more unified as a people, and were ready for future challenges. I like these quotes a lot because they have very deep meaning saying when something knocks you down just get back up even stronger. The quotes relate to the theme what do you stand for because, both of the quotes talk about what us Americans stand for which include, liberty, and justice for all.

9/10/2013 10:51:35 pm

The quotes mean that they are saying that Americas enemies saw something in America that they thought was weak but in the end they got defeated with the same thing they got defeated with liberty and the american spirit. Americas enemies thought they would weaken us with the 9/11 attack but in the end that attack motivated us to stand up to our enemies and win. What they are trying to say is that America can stand up to anything and it is also saying that you can not weaken or defeat the American spirit and democracy.

9/10/2013 10:51:54 pm

The quotes try to make this bad incident a little brighter saying that we will bring the terrorists to justice. What it means to me is that no matter how bad the situation we will figure out a way to make a good outcome in the long run... It relates to "What we stand for" because we stand for liberty which is what we fought for to bring the terrorists to justice.

9/10/2013 10:52:00 pm

1.I think the quotes describe how the attacks reflected and had an effect not only on us,but on them also.2.To me,I think they state that they both mean that the terrorists made a mistake basically stating that after 9/11,we cannot and will not ever be knocked down.3.I think they connect because 9/11 is a time when people had a choice into what to stand up for in what they believe in and to come together and prevent ways to have this not happen again.

9/10/2013 10:52:07 pm

The quotes are saying that America is a strong country and if our enemies don't realize that they will keep getting beat because we are stronger and more aware then ever. To me these quotes mean that no matter what happens our country will never be weak and that makes me feel good about living in America. They relate tho "What do you stand for" because they are talking about our country rising above the enemies and if we didn't stand up for America and fight we would not be a country anymore.

9/10/2013 10:52:15 pm

These quotes mean a lot to me. They mean a lot to me because in Virginia, my next door neighbor was in New York when this tragedy occurred. He was injured, but not severely, but he still got hurt which was very depressing. These two quotes are telling us to be thankful about where we live, and to remember what happened on this day. I feel very strongly about these two quotes.

9/10/2013 10:52:25 pm

I think these quotes mean that even though 9/11 was extremely tragic, we have built from it. The two quotes mean to me that we are tougher, and smarter now that we had to go through that. It relates to "What do you stand for" by proving on 9/11 what Americans stood for.

9/10/2013 10:52:40 pm

I think that the 2 quotes are telling us even though the tragedy was hard we have to move on and persevere and to go on as that what are deceased friends and family would have wanted us to do.

9/10/2013 10:52:53 pm

These quotes mean that even though something such as 9/11 happened the United States as a nation became stronger.

9/10/2013 10:53:21 pm

Both of the quotes mean that they tried to tear us down but they couldn't. The question mean to me that every stunt they try to pull can never break us we will always stay strong an be one. The quotes go with our unit because its asking what do you stand for and many people have different of what they stood for on this day of September 11.

9/10/2013 10:53:32 pm

The first quote above is a true sign of the united states, even though we where struck in the middle of the a very populated city we couldn't have known of the incident. When the twin towers where falling down, that was a sign of the old falling to the ground and the new being reestablished. By that i mean are security has gotten stronger as well as are monitoring.
What George Washington is saying is that even though they tried to weaken us and make us scared and terrified, we learned from are mistakes, and are ready for the things to come in the future.

9/10/2013 10:54:48 pm

The first quote means to me that even though this attack twelve years ago was supposed to break our spirit, we are now a more stronger and unified country. We now have more freedom to respect our lives.

The second quote means to me that the people who attackers made all this destruction occur made a mistake that all of our enemies make, they saw the liberty we had which meant to them we were weak, now they see defeat.

9/10/2013 10:55:15 pm

The second quote means that countries make mistakes by attacking us because we are stronger then they would think. This means to me that america is strong and we can deal with other countries if they attack us.

9/10/2013 10:55:36 pm

The first quote means to me that even though this attack twelve years ago was supposed to break our spirit, we are now a more stronger and unified country. We now have more freedom to respect our lives.

The second quote means to me that the people who attackers made all this destruction occur made a mistake that all of our enemies make, they saw the liberty we had which meant to them we were weak, now they see defeat.

9/10/2013 10:56:28 pm

The first quote is saying that in trying to break us, you only made us stronger. The second one is saying that you may have seen what you thought was weakness, but was far from it.
The first one means that you shouldn't let others get to you, take all that's happened and turn it into strength. The second one is that someone may see something as a weakness, and attack, even if its really one of your strengths.
They relate because these quotes are about the us standing up, because they believe they can get through it, stronger and untied as one.

9/10/2013 10:59:40 pm

These cowardly act by al-Qaeda, were intended to break our spirits, instead, they made us stronger. They were intended to divide us, they made us more untied, they intended to strike fear in our hearts, instead, they made us fearless. The attack of September 11th, 2001 on the World Trade Towers, and the Pentagon, will never be forgotten and just made us a better nation, working day by day.

9/11/2013 09:28:04 am

The quotes are trying to say that what was supposed to make us feel bad, made us more powerful in the end. This has an impact on me because it teaches me that we should not look at the negativity of the past, but look at the positivity and what we should learn from the past. They relate to our unit, because the USA believed in liberty and staying strong, and they were able to keep that belief even though the attacks of 9/11 were devastating.

9/16/2013 11:03:53 pm

the article made me feel thankful for the people innvovled in the 9/11 rescue because they risked their lives to save others.


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    September 2013

